YAMAHA BIG WHEEL BW80 噴油器阻塞套-極限超快感
Oil Injection Block Off Plug
1.This plug type block off allows for complete removal of the oil pump assembly and components.
Other methods require user to disassemble the oil pump/drive gear to install a plate and gasket.With this plug you simply remove the pump as one whole unit. You can also remove oil tank & lines if desired. Installation is quick and requires only a few basic tools.
2.One of the best performance upgrades for the BW-80 is removing the oil pump and installing a block off plug. The oil pump is not accurate most of the time, sending either too much or not enough oil into the engine causing big performance loss. Pre-mixing your oil and gasoline will eliminate the standard oil pump assembly and the power draw it puts on the engine. Even worse, an oil-deprived engine will result in premature wear or in many cases extreme engine failure.
Fitment :
Package Included:
1 x Fuel Injectors(As is shown)
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