《極限超快感》BMW F900R 2020 油桶保護貼 豆豆貼 橡膠材質
Stickers Tank Traction Pad Side Gas Knee Grip Protector Fit for BMW F900R 2020
Increased vehicle control. More contact between the vehicle and rider/driver.
High quality rubber material stands up to Sun/Wind/Rain stays pliable in the cold.
Honeycomb profile traction bumps. Designed to wear down and be replaced like a tire.
Pre-molded with rounded edges that resist peeling.
Super strong peel-and-stick clear adhesive, just peel off the red surface and white surface.
High strength adhesive holds up longer than the competition.
Adhesives(Double-sided) are separated from pads.
Can easily be custom cut with a knife or scissors.
Instruction NOT included.
Steps Recommendations:
-Please use detergent to clean the surface of the target before stick it on.
(Clean the part thoroughly from grease/wax/polish. Use IPA cleaner if possible.)
-You can peel off the red or white surface and stick it on the fuel tank, then peel off the other side of the adhesive and put the pad on it,
or you can put the adhesive on the pad first, and then stick the pad to the fuel tank.
-Allow 12 hours for the pad to set in. Do not ride straight away.
Condition: Aftermarket 100% Brand New
Material: Rubber with a super strong adhesive
Colo(u)r: Black
Fit for BMW F900R 2020
2-Piece Kit
Please check out the size and product fits your motorcycle or not before you purchase.
Please use detergent to clean the surface of the target before stick it on.
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